A Long Distance Dedication From Casey Kasem

We did it! Mini Video 50 – Buns Buns Buns. This video covers a three day trip we recently took to Louisville, Kentucky with a short stop in Indianapolis, Indiana. Skateboarding is: Max Murphy, Tim Olson, Sam Bergett, Pat Forster, Bill Kaschner, Josh Ellis, and Tj Bohach.

Beez also just got sort of a mini review on the Jackass site, of all places. Quite a different audience. If you’ve never seen Beez 3, the intro is also on there (with the official Jackass “Don’t do these things” disclaimer before it). So look if you must.

I feel like my face/brain is going to melt off soon, so if you’re still here, maybe go over to Skate Illinois and check out yet another montage from Gary: Party of the Mind that Gabe just posted. It’s real tite, I promise.