and if a double decker bus crashes into us..
so every morning when i get to work, my art director has his music on, usually consisting of rap or reggae. this is fine and most likely appeals to everyone in the cozy airy office we share. but as soon as i get in, he turns the music off and tells me to play something. this is also fine, however i then usually subject the office to 6 straight morrisey albums followed by something epic like sigor ros or mogwai. i feel like theres so much buiding contempt for my musical selections, however nobody says anything and they continue to make me “music guy”. oh well, hatful of hollow it is suckers.
transit strike update: ive been walking. alot. even TO brooklyn. the reason for that trek – my eye doctor has my contacts in, and well im outta contacts. a 5 minute subway ride is now a 5 mile hour and a half walk. why not take a cab you ask? well the cabs dont wanna go to brooklyn AND arent allowed to have less then 3 people inside….. she (optomitrist) wasnt even there this morning – leaving me without contacts and forced to pay 10 dollars for a car service that would only take me as far as union sq, forcing me to walk 20 blocks to my office.
kim from top model was at sway (smiths/moz night) on sunday. does that count as a celebrity sighting?