Be My Friend Tonight.

First action item…guess who has a birthday today?? Let me give you a clue:

Exactly! Tim! May this be your horniest year yet. I have big plans of grape MD 20/20, Mongolian BBQ, and goats for dude tonight. That is, if Gabe isn’t a total pussy. Don’t blow it!

Otherwise, in my last update I had said that we haven’t been skating outside. The next day the most fantastic thing possible happened and our luck changed:

Am I laying the sarcasm on a little thick? How much of a kick in the balls is a snowstorm on April 10th? I should be allowed to complain a little. At least I remembered about the snowskate that Lord Cru left in my basement. I think he randomly got it free from somewhere, and in the basement it rotted. This item brought Tim and I about three times down the hill of joy and excitement, and then we went and got lunch. I hate you Old Man Winter and Winter 2.0.

I’ve heard it’s supposed to be almost 60 next week, but I take it all with a grain.

The night before, was of course Old Dude Night. To celebrate getting even older Aaron Polansky got his lean on. Which Tim of course already posted a picture of. But here’s my version:

I just used a long shutter speed and stole Tim’s flash for this. So basically the timing was all Tim’s doing, I just held another camera there with the shutter open. I had some other gnarly photos of Stemper doing a backside disaster on this and a few other tricks but I deleted them on accident. Oops.

Speaking of the Cream City, did you know that there’s going to be a bowl there soon? Here’s a picture from earlier this week:

I’m sure it’s much further along now. Perhaps even to the point of the other end being started. Should be pretty wicked when it’s done.

Did someone mention bowls? Check out this news story about Tim Kulas’ now defunct bowl in Orlando:

News stories about skateboarding are always so awkward and funny. Love it.

The Carn sent me a link to this dude’s video part earlier. The skating is good and there’s some rad tricks, but check some of the spots dude is skating. Pretty crazy.
