Hurry Up and Die

Well holy cripes, the video that never was to be finished actually was finished at one point in time, believe it or not. We premiered this in early 2003 at a bar called 3 in downtown Milwaukee. It was in the middle of a snowstorm, some people almost died on the way there, but everything turned out a-ok. So I present to you…

Hurry Up and Die – 2003 – Premiere Version
Ben Vance
Pat Forster and Bill Kaschner
Jon Bunch
Greg Lutzka

The sound is a little out of synch in some parts due to youtube, but beggars can’t be choosers I guess.

Anyway, after the premiere we weren’t quite ready to release the video though. Everyone wanted to try to get some new and better tricks for their parts, and I agreed, so we held out on releasing the video until spring. We got all kinds of new, better footage, but spring turned into summer, and summer turned into fall, but the whole while we were filming constantly and getting new stuff. As winter arrived I tried to edit this new footage into the parts, but as more time went on everything started to fall apart. You obviously can’t get too many tricks on tape during winter in Wisconsin, and all kinds of politics started getting in the way. Lutzka moved to California and we all just kind of forgot about it. In retrospect, we probably should have just released it when it was done, but hey, hindsight is 20/20.

Newer edits of a lot of the parts do exist though. I’m going to try to get them online here as soon as I can. As of now, I only have this one for you so far:

Hurry Up and Die – 2004 Edits
Jeff Bauman

I had filmed a lot of newer stuff of Jeff, so I took him out of the montage section and he got his own short part. I don’t even think he’s ever seen this, so hey, surprise!

Viewing these parts nowadays, I think we did a pretty good job. I’m not too much of a fan of the editing style I used, but what can you do? If you have a site and like these, please link to them and spread the word. Not many people ever got to see the video and it’s nice to finally have it out there.