Merry Christmukah!!!!

So I have no real news just some Christmas rambling for you all this week. I had finals all week so I didn’t get out much, except to help Beagle put up a Christmas tree. Very cute mind you.

Last night was Blackbox’s Christmas party. It was at Big Jims “Authentic Alabama Bar-B-Q At It’s Best!” Pretty fitting I thought. My camera phone doesn’t work indoors well and Chad didn’t take pictures so no photos sorry. Just picture a bunch of skateboarders with rib sauce all over their mouths and you will get it.

On some more Christmas not really skate related news JLay got a new puppy for Christmas and he could be the cutest thing in the world. His name is JJ. He is a mini rat terrier.

On some non-Christmas skate stuff turn your volume up on your computer and watch this trailer for the Donkey Punch video my friend Jeff made. Jeff has been getting out of his dungeon of a bedroom a lot more lately now that the video is done so we are all glad it has finally been released. This movie is raw and uncut skateboarding from all your favorite skateboard superstars like Hans Stacy, Jeff Morris, Mike Brown, Gautam Sahi, Travis Carlson, Justin Holmes, Philly Phil, Purtle and others. Plus some break out parts by UNKNOWN rippers like Gareth Stehr, Corey Duffel, Tony Silva, Matt Allen, Daniel Shimizu, Pat Rakestraw, The Nuge, Justin Roy, Dorian Tucker, James Atkins, Ben Gilley and many more.

Donkey Punch Video – The ODB of Skateboarding Videos

Jeff send a copy of your video to Tim so he can review it, all you other kids you can buy it exclusively at

I am leaving to go home to Colorado for Christmas so unless Colorado Springs is exciting I probably won’t have anything for you so I will leave you with this nice video of Mister Miraculous