Sexual Side Effects

I actually just got done sitting here and logging a couple tapes of footage, so I’ll keep it short today. I suppose I always keep it short, so let’s categorize it under extra short.

A few photos from the weekend before the last (seems I’m falling back into the filming instead of shooting photos):

Kind of a weird trick to take a photo of. Tj Bohach – Nollie Boardslide.

Dogs, beer, wacky faces. Print!

Somehow the day before this I was watching a hilarious rollerblading video on youtube that came up under Milwaukee skateboarding related videos (suspect story, I know). After LOLing I was wondering where this spot was. I didn’t have to wait long, because the next day we randomly ended up there. Tj Bohach – Frontside Bluntslide Transfer.

I’m voting no more computer on this calendar day.