Skate Ranch Turkey

Things we’ve been very into at the Horny House lately: 80’s teen sex romps, Jimmy John’s #12, street spines, American Science and Surplus, blasting Gary’s wiener with super powerful laser pointer obtained from American Science and Surplus, The Skate Ranch Turkey from G&S Footage being reincarnated as Sean Malto, Flickr, Chinese buffets, Lord Cru, making Wonky swim, and this:

Otherwise per recently, here’s some skateboarding and related photos from two weeks ago:

We were rolling pretty deep and notably solid. We skated a bunch of spots and I suppose a lot of wackiness went down, but I was on the video camera and was unable to document anything photographically. It is a common problem.

I don’t know what business this spot is for, but if you have a waxed curb in your semi-indoor break area, it’s definitely an employee perk to be listed on all your recruiting pamphlets. Tj with a beautiful backside noseblunt.

Max took a less obvious route with an ollie over the smoker’s chair.

When break time was over Max and Tj both took differing routes out of the break area. Max Murphy – Pole Jam.

Tj Bohach – Wallride

Today I’ll leave you with a part that I don’t really have much nostalgia for since I didn’t have this video back in the day, but seeing it in these modern times almost brings a tear of joy and glory to my eye. A really common thing to say when watching an old video is to say “Damn, someone could use that in a part now!” or somesuch, but this is the real deal. Check the backside noseblunt at Fort Miley and copy and paste it into any modern video and no one would think a single thing was awry. Well, the lack of really boring and overdone panning slow motion hd footage might be a clue something is awry, but we’re talking about maneuvers here, not filming tech.

Julien Stranger – Skypager – 1993. If you don’t think this is the best, you obviously have manure for brains.