That Wuz Gooooooood
As it was raining (again) the other day I decided to look through some old photos and see if I could find anything interesting to post to the site. I kind of gave up on it and watched Pat, Gabe, and Tim play Skate on the Xbox for hours until my brain was of the consistency of apple sauce. Today I sat down and Photoshop was sitting open with the pictures I chose. Guess what? They’re unintentionally all of animals. I now present to you: The worst photo update on wiskate in quite some time. Featuring: the archival animals of wiskate!
I guess I can’t leave it at that, so here are a few more from the last week or two.
Here Tim demonstrates his exciting new development in waxing technology: THE WAX WAND. No more pesky grinding your knuckles against the curb or even having to bend over. Look for them in your local skateshop soon. Also: repels mosquitoes.
As you may have lived through, or perhaps seen on the news, lately the Midwest has been transported to Southeast Asia during Monsoon season. Last weekend it rained something like 7 inches in two days.
One of those days we were out skating and it was about to start raging. All the tornado sirens were going off, so obviously the safest place to go is Rocky Roccoco’s for some Pizza. While we were inside it started raining so hard that the roof just gave up and started leaking water onto all the slices of Pizzas behind the counters. It was quite a challenge driving home after eating, a lot of streets were flooded because the storm drains couldn’t keep up. We did eventually make it home, and what else is there to do but to ride crappy old bmx bikes around in one of the gnarliest storms I’ve ever seen in my life. Some of the puddles we went through were so deep that we were peddling underwater. We rode around for probably an hour and a half, and needless to say, it was probably the best thing I’ve done so far this year. Big ups to Tim and Risser for coming along and having fun too.