The Erotic Awakening of Jaleel White
First new video clip:
To quote the man, Bill Kaschner: “It’s going to be a random little vid with random shit”. Footage from ’93 to ’00. Look At Them Beans. Only a little late!
Second: Ben Vance, John Rockafellow, Nate Heilberger, and Big Pete skating in Madison. Sent in by Big Pete. When he first sent it, it was a little long, so I asked him to shorten it up. The next day I it was in my email with this lovely message included:
when george lucas was asked by the movie studio to cut five minutes from his now-classic first film, THX-1138, he likened it to having a beautiful young daughter and having someone cut off one of her fingers. the studio’s viewpoint was,”hey, she’s still a beautiful baby girl. perfectly healthy, just slightly modified, slightly better.” well, here’s my fingerless child you heathen. i hope everyone knows that wiskate is a place where artistic integrity has as about as much value as chuck e. cheese tokens. could more cuts be made? probably. am i willing to make them tonight? not likely. do i enjoy people who speak in rhetorical questions? absofuckinlutely.”