Ask Me About My Zune

It’s not even Christmas yet, and I’ve caught myself quite the case of cabin fever. It’s so bad that I’m seriously considering taking my annual visit to the room quite early in the season. That tasty realm of dust and bum piss seems heavenly compared to spending more hours staring into a glowing box featuring Bear Grylls. He did just swim nude in a hole in the ice in Siberia, and Wisconsin much resembles Siberia at this point. That means I do feel a connection with him and his unnecessary extreme experiences, but I’m afraid it just isn’t enough to hold my attention anymore.

Here’s a couple photos from Cream City the other night:

Tj Bohach – Switch Backside Tailslide.

Bill Kaschner – Nollie Backside Lipslide.

At least Molly has something to do today.

And of course, don’t forget to watch brand new Mini Video 51, which I put up just yesterday.