Gorf’s Secret Code
Mkeskate has been going off this last week. Videos, photos, sequences, misspellings, misspelling corrections, everything. Since I was just sitting here watching Survivorman (Stemper’s favorite show ever) I decided to whip up an update so the younger dudes don’t make us look too stupid.
First off, big ups to wiskate.com fan club card holder #1, John Mcguire. Milwaukee troll fanatic, wacky move innovator, beez supporter, and all around good dude. If anyone has any questions about a super random washed up pro, get drunk, call him up, and you’ll soon learn they they succumbed to weed psychosis or did in fact live in Milwaukee for a spell.
We still really like animals.
This might not be the laziest 50-50 ever.
These are the only two pictures I took at Cream City when the KOTR thing was going on. Roger did catch the helicopter. Important trivia.
I hadn’t seen Jeff Bauman in a couple of years, so it was pretty rad when he just randomly showed up at the Horny House with Mike. He’s a real good dude, traded to the platinumseagulls team a few years ago, then later traded to some socal team or another. He’s not rocking D3’s yet, but as you can see, he hasn’t lost his touch. (HAW HAW). He once told me he wanted to smith grind a rail so I took him to the riverwalk rail (a way too steep 15 stair). It was the first spot of the day, but he tried it anyway. He got slapped on that one too (as seen in the Hurry Up and Die Intro). Please Allah forgive me for the puns.
You should watch his part from Hurry Up and Die, just for the hell of it. I can’t believe some of this footage is already about five years old.
It’s Friday, Stemper is on his way here, and we’re about to go to the place pictured above and do a little of on the right. As Mcguire would say, Get Weird on Beer. Peace.
Maybe I should also mention that if you have the Fuel Tv, you should check out me, Tim, Gary, Stemper, and the Carn in a little skit we made. The show is called Stupidface, the skit airs tonight at 12:30, and should replay tomorrow at the same time. Here’s the trailer for the episode which should possibly answer a few questions about these photos: