Last Friday we attempted to go out and get some skateboarding photos. Things didn’t go so great and I thought we hadn’t really gotten anything worthwhile. Looking through the photos though, this one of Stemper frontside nosegrinding came out much better than I thought it would. Pro Tip: $20 ebay radios for your flash fucking suck. It would be fantastic if anyone wants to buy an arcade game or something from me so I can finally afford pocket wizards.
Another Saturday, another trip to 7 Mile Fair. Bart Simpson holding a skateboard and wearing a hat with rhinestones that say “Hustla”?? They got you. On the right is an airbrushed t-shirt option that I’m sure Tim is still kicking himself for ignoring. Imagine the potential of wearing that while doing a slipfoot. Tremendous.
On Tuesday we filmed for one of Carn’s “Unusual Protocol” segments which will soon appear on Pizzy’s favorite cable tv network.
Unusual indeed.
Sorry I don’t have much this week.