Kissing: The Gateway Drug to Fuck

After a well deserved almost two year hiatus from the world of posting skatepark video clips, I today bring you yet another Cream City creation. Yes, I know, I’m sick of them too. I tried to do things a bit different though, one skater, one guest skater, all lines, no handrails. I’ll probably make a few more in this winter of our discontent, and then hopefully it will be time to be warm outside again.

Today’s video stars the illustrious Bill Kaschner, skatepark owner extraordinaire, and guest stars Tim Olson, Gary wrangler.

The wiskate 10 yr anniversary party last week was a great victorious success. A lot of people showed up including tons of our best old friends and we certainly appreciated it. Gary was celebrated many times through a video slide show I made. Pizzy was celebrated through cupcakes that Kelly baked. And of course, Popcorn was popped for the simple sake of popping popcorn.

I didn’t take many pictures at all since I was busy being the president of the A/V club. This consisted of pressing play on the dvd player to restart said Gary slide show every few minutes, and to also play 50% of the music. Steve played the other 50% from his laptop/multi ipod collection. Sometimes Russ another 50% from his records with mostly reversed labels that he brought. Steve’s friend from NY even got to add his 50% during the Moz Rock Block. I’m certain that doesn’t add up correctly, but it didn’t stop Steve from taking 100% musical credit from his adoring fan base.

I didn’t take that last one, I stole it off Milki’s Flickr. But it’s obviously the best.