Learnin’ about Cuba, and having some food.

Well, well, well. You thought it would never happen. I thought it would never happen. But it happened. The video clips are back. No more stupid youtube with it’s pixelated sega cd style of crappiness. I’m starting it off with some old stuff, and will soon hopefully add some new. Check out the video clips section here. It seems the glory days of wiskate.com may not yet be behind us. Perhaps.

Looks like The Skateboard Mag visitors have started arriving. I hope you guys like pictures of cats and nonsense. You’ve definitely found a new home if you do. We talk about skateboarding once in awhile too. We hope to see you again, and often at that!

Looks like either Munz or Roebke have been working on a new video part. Can’t wait to see that shit drop, they’re shitting on some dudes!!:

TT Acid AND a True Farv????? Fuuuuuuckkk!!!

Here’s some cool Star Wars art I saw last summer:

Rendered in sweet perfection.

I don’t have a skateboarding photo today, so here’s a picture of me with a bass instead:
