magic king dumb

Well I just went on a little trip to the old disney world and let me tell ya, the place is a little strange. People over there get hopped up on disney and spend all of their money and the latest and greatest mickey ears. I had a good time but after reading a disney book that talks about there lies and cover ups it made me feel a little uneasy there. Well here are a couple pics.

Well, I wish I would have stayed here.

After all of the disney stuff I had the chance to skate the best bowl ever. My buddy Tim Kulas built this thing in his back yard and skates it better then anyone else.

I was hyped enough just to get four wheels on the tree!

On my final day there the expedition team rolled in.

Well, I want to say thanks to Tim and Katie for having me at their house, for driving me around and letting me skate the Best bowl ever.