My Tits Itch.

Josh pretty much filled you in on his perspective of the weekend, but since I was also out there skating and shooting photos, I though I might entertain you all with my version of events that transpired.

We were fucking crew deep. It’s pretty common to get 3 or 4 dudes out there at a time, but we had at least 25 to 48 guys shredding at once. Josh was wearing his C3PO gauntlets and Lord Cru still had a boner from the night before. That guy never quits, I tell you. There was a wild pack of dogs with us too, which added to the session, and Pizzy nose bonked them all. There was a few dudes from the Illinois area and they were all wearing matching green socks. I don’t know how you guys down there do it, but up here green only means horny on Thursdays. Make a note of it. The Captain was swatting birds out of the sky and also had a a tazer handy for when someone didn’t make a trick. Needless to say, I was on the ground twitching all day.
Here are some photos I took when I wasn’t being hit with 100,000 volts.

First we have the Carn with a textbook backside tailslide. Next to him is Lord Cru with a back smith. You can see Zone in the background studying his technique.

And it obviously paid off. However, he did it his own way and reversed his stance for a switch back smith. I don’t think I saw him miss one. Zone was mvp for Saturday without a doubt.

Like I said, Captain was reaching into the sky and taking out birds left and right. And on his right is Pizzy getting it all on film.

The weird thing is, we only skated 2 spots and one park. It was alot of fun though and I hope we get a few more of those days before god decides to freeze hell over.

Since I put up all those pictures, I am going to skip Photo of the Millenium today. Sorry. Maybe someday one of those photos will make it into someone elses photos of the century or something.

Later nerds.