“We Must Get Even With Kent. It’s a Moral Imperative.”

So lately there has been a ton of hype surrounding Wiskate’s own Josh Ellis and his soon-to-be birthday. Although most of the hype has been fueled by the man himself, I think something special needs to be done for the brain behind this phenom called Wiskate. I have had a few good ideas, (a lock-in at Chuck-E-Cheese, spending a night in a old haunted mansion, male strippers sent to his work, etc etc) but nothing seems as appropriate as buying him [link=http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=1467&item=5501606024&rd=1]this[/link].
And if you’re feeling really generous or just want to see him fully decked out (like I do), you can hook him up with [link=http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=313&item=3916717336&rd=1]this[/link] as well.
If anyone is interested in chipping in, let me know. Oh, and Josh, I need to know what size you wear in a full rubber suit.