Welcome to Fart City
It’s hard to think of a different ways to segue into “here’s some photos from the weekend two weeks ago” after you’ve done it 100 times.
This jerk.
After skating this spot we discussed which spot we thought was the most played out: Hardees Bank, Sherman, or Dirty Palms. I think we decided on Dirty Palms, but I’m not sure. Tj Bohach – Frontside Bluntslide to Fakie.
Maybe it is the Hardees Banks after all, since I asked Tj and Matt if they wanted to film either of these moves and they’re just like “Nah, too much footage from here.” Matt Nordness – Backside Tailslide.
From the street we thought this said “Bonk Beware”, but things didn’t go our way.
Haven’t had a dead thing on here in awhile.
One of the oldest skate spots in Milwaukee. I heard rumors of this spot and how supremely radical it was from my friend in Oak Creek in like 1994, and even then (according to even older dudes) it was an already an old spot. Now it’s all washed out, collapsed, and pretty much unskateable. Tj figured out a way to shred it with this frontside crail though. Couldn’t be happier with how the sky looks in this one.
I better mention that perhaps you may want to view the new mini vid I made on Saturday, just in case you feel so inclined. Gabe posted the montage from “Gary: Party of the Mind” which features a ton of Milwaukee dudes and spots and it’s pretty sick. It’s got Capt Bitter, Lord Cru, Sanji, Pizzy, Tj, Stemper, etc, etc. View it. He also just put up Mike Roebke’s part from the same video, so I might as well link to that too. Same with the new video they just put up on mkeskate which was pretty radical. Check em all.