
I am a huge fan of the way Lord Cru broke his post in to handy “read what you want” sections. In fact I am so much a fan, I am not going to copy him and leave his writing style unbastardized.

Speaking of bastardizing, last nights’ “Old Dude Night” turned out to be nothing but a grom-fest complete with 12 and unders chasing each other around with licorice ropes trying to whip each other. I was happy to see Lord Cru when I arrived, but he had some chest pains that could only be cured by beer and grease, so he split early. The Captain held it down (while he was skating) and Josh got some photos and a frontside board to bs 270 out. I rediscovered the pleasures of bank to curb. Uncle Aaron was M.I.A. due to a foot injury? I don’t know the details but hopefully we will see him out there again soon. Damien is still there every Wednesday without fail. A true die hard. Big Will had a lethal weapon called the kickflip indy – every try. He defines the term consistency. Rock was there too, but didn’t skate. I think he was off to Silk to see some XXX action and it just couldn’t wait. Anyway, we all skated like barbarians and still had a good time, even though there were lots of young dudes invading our old dude time. Thanks to Brian and Bill over there at Cream City.

Photo of the Millenium #8

The poster boy of skateboarding. Tony Hawk. I am guessing he was about 18 in this picture. That set up he’s riding looks really good. It even has a nose bone (rail). It’s weird to think that not too long ago, the nose of your skateboard wasn’t used for much besides grabbing. It’s also weird to think about how popular that squeeb haircut was. Just think kids, in 20 years the haircut you have right now is going to look really retarded (if it doesn’t already). However, you can see by the writing on the wall, that anarchy will never go out of style.