When Worlds Collide.

I barely eat. I mean I will have one meal a day. Just one. And it’s usually not until like six in the evening. Somehow, I am not 110 pounds. I heard that as you age, your metabolism slows down, but this is ridiculous. I need a personal trainer and a nutritionist – stat.

On Saturday, Josh, Gabe and I had the pleasure of skating with some of those dudes from the twin cities. You know, those guys that are affiliated with Platinum Seagulls and Handjob. It was fun and I got to witness Chad Benson kill the curvy ledge and Munz take a shitter of a slam on the wallie triangle. I didn’t get any skate photos, but here’s some other Saturday related pictures for you.

As you already know, this is Dug (aka Gary). He’s a fucker, but seemed to like the grip job dedication.

Before we went to the park, we played Guitar Hero II for what seemed like hours. On the left is Gabe with his pseudo-serious playing style. As you can see, Josh on the right has a much more playful, carefree style. I’m not sure which I prefer. Lets call it a draw. Both have appeal.

Oh, these guys? Dudes, no matter how you try to disguise those PBR’s, they’re still just PBR’s. Come back soon.

After the park and after Josh and Gabe got back from being at the bar for 15 minutes, we had a banquet of delicious fish sticks. 44 of them to be exact. “You have tartar sauce?” – G. Chan.

Speaking of Gabe, he just sent me this clip highlighting some tricks that happened on Saturday night. It features Josh, Lord Cru, The Captain, Dan Stemper, Gabe and Myself.

Later nerds.