“You Work in a Boner Store and You Don’t Know Where the Girls Are? BRRRRAAAAPPPPPPPP!”

Over the weekend, a large crew gathered and made a pilgrimage to the pseudo-south; Louisville, Kentucky. This will be my photo essay of the trip with some short captions so you’re not totally in the dark about what is happening.
Let us begin.

Neal stayed over at the house on Thursday night because he didn’t want to get up any earlier than he had to for the trip on Friday morning. As his punishment for being a lazy piece of shit, my cat Louise jumped up on his lap and barfed up her dinner on his crotch. I hadn’t laughed that hard in a long time. On the right, Pizzy gives Fake Gary a little attention before we leave him alone for the weekend.

On the way down south, we stopped at the oasis in Illinois where Mike and I both won giant koosh balls out of a claw machine. We made mine into these very erotic and very curious man panties, or manties if you will. Josh wore them under his pants the enitre weekend. On our first mission out on the streets, Pizzy ollied this rail, took off all of his clothes then climbed aboard that Pegasus and flew into the heavens as naked as the day he was born.

Most of the dudes. This room smelled super weird.

Danny Stemper after two beers. What a lightweight.

Going to the skatepark in Louisville is quite an experience. From seeing a son and father freestyle team, to a bmx’er grabbing some kid’s skateboard and doing the most insane rolling handstand to boneless fingerflip, I was never bored (beside the skating part). I’m not much of a fan of that park. It’s hard to really be stoked on any park when you have Cream City in your area. This kid’s griptape got me hyped though. I love ebay too, kid. We went street skating a few times and Stemper ripped this kickflip to fakie on a bank that is much harder to skate than it looks.

Max Murphy kills it. On the left is a proper nosebonk and on the right he disrespects Kentucky’s heritage and crooked grinds some statue. He did a bunch of other stuff, but I am a terrible photographer so you will never get to see it (and because Josh got super sick and couldn’t go out skating with us on Saturday to get photos).

On the way home, Neal bought some horny goat weed out of a vending machine in a bathroom at “Bonkerz”. Unfortunately, it didn’t make him go bonkerz. He was overheard saying he was a bit more sensitive “down there”. Could be that he was sitting next to Pizzy though. The world will never know.

Bill Kaschner – kickflip.

Later nerds.