Yesterday when I was at the store picking up some unrelated crap, this little diabolical item caught my fancy:
If you’ve been paying attention to the site at all, you’ll know that Tim and I have quite the penchant for cat wackiness. What could be cat-wackier than a toy that consists of a brightly colored, yet vaguely Edward Scissorhands-esque glove with little fuzzy balls on the ends of the fingers? The answer is obviously, not much.
I had very high hopes for this thing, but I’m sorry to report that the cats are all actually kind of terrified of the monster glove. My dog on the other hand, loves it. Such is life.
Tim was also on a mission to bring some cat joy to the house, and he bought a potted buffet of catnip for the little jerks. It’s a pretty well known fact that felines are quite the stoners, but it’s always great to see them flip out in person. The cats were all running around the house like maniacs, but of course when you break out the camera and try to get some AFV style funnies on tape they just end up sitting there. Again, such is life.
I guess I don’t have much for you all today. I’m thinking about going to get an oil change later, how great is that? I’m sure I’ll skip it though. Also, I walked in Tim’s room the other day and he was watching this clip of this one guy skating. He was ripping big time, so it should keep you intertainted for awhile. I’m thinking I just coined the term “intertained”, but I bet someone else has already let that horrible idea of a word pop into their head in 1994 or so. That’s the problem with the world today, a guy can’t do something that hasn’t been done a million times before. How sad.
Photo of the day #17
This little guy was the worlds greatest cat. He went to the great beyond on New Years Day 2001. Keep your head up, Stinky.