It Is Going To Smell Like Shit, Because I Just Made Butt Music.

Since my last post didn’t really adhere to events in the order they actually happened, I am just going to put up some random pictures I took and tell some stories.

Like Josh said, we took some cruiser boards down to the beach and wandered around with Coors light in tow. The ride down was sketchy as I was riding a weird longboard that seemed like getting speed wobbles was the way it was supposed to be ridden. Danny almost ate it too, but we made it down in one piece and got some sweet long exposure shots. The ride/walk back was an ass kicker which made for easy sleeping on the couch.

John took us to his friend Kevin’s house where there was a sweet mini-mini ramp for us to try and skate. Stemper killed it as usual as did Bartie and his friend Joe Pease. There was a very tall vert section, and if you could smash your nose on the roof from a straight tail drop from the three foot section of the mini you had the opportunity of signing your name on the wall. Of course, Stemper came through in about four tries and became one of the proud and few that have done it.

Josh filmed pretty much every session we had while there and hopefully will have a mini video for you to watch very soon.

Just a reminder to you trolls, Cream City is still the best place ever to get your skating done, so go there now and rip.

Later nerds.