Not On The Crab

I don’t know what the deal is, but we’re blowing it. Too much Wii, I suppose.

Here’s a couple pics from the weekend before the last:

It’s always a prize to randomly run into Vance while we’re randomly running into homemade skatespots. Of course Vance was cigging it and drinking $2 per six pack beers. But that’s just Vance and that’s just expected. I then took a photo of him doing an ollie over this wall but I kept making him do it. Then he kept making me take a photo. He insisted I used one on the site that he rode away from because “someone might be able to zoom and and see my foot is about to come off”. I have so many photos of him doing it that I can’t remember if he landed this one or not. Please don’t zoom in.

We later were walking along some railroad tracks to check out a rooftop to skate on and found all sorts of hobo secret code scrawlings all over the place. Pizzy holds one up that I think says something about $2 six packs. Tim saw this photo and was bummed we didn’t bring the hobo art home. Sorry, Tim.

Apparently that is all we did that day because those are all the pictures I have. Onto this last weekend:

Cru already posted the post Moz pictures and alluded to his early morning whiskey drinking and Wii playing. Good thing I have the pictures!

Weird Chewbacca pretty much sums up the whole scene.

Pizzy is well known for his love of vodka Red Bulls. In fact, he recently recieved some as a birthday gift from Zitzer. Very fitting. Anyway, Cru was chugging down some vodka scraps and Pizzy decided to spread his love for Red Bull like Johnny Appleseed did for apples. Pizzy Redbullseed.

Here we have Cru at his very best, ever. The picture conveys that, obviously. We then tried to go skating which resulted in the funniest Lord Cru ever yelling the most ridiculous things at any pedestrian we passed. Of course I can’t remember any of these hilarious examples. We met Stemper at a spot, and that was it for Cru. He just skated off to never be seen again.

I filmed Stemper doing a switch frontside wallride and I asked him to pose one so I could get a photo. I think he took me saying “posing” a little literally, but regardless, here’s Danny Stemper posing a switch frontside wallride.

Ok, maybe Cru was seen again. Here he is making use of two vices: vodka and Morrissey. His post pretty much summed the rest up.