On Skype With A Galdue
Some photos not from last Saturday, but the one before that. It was a pretty productive day filming wise, and we even managed to get a few photos. We were so lazy after expending all that effort in the hot sun that we did not even bother to skate the next day. We watched reality programming on VH1 all day instead. It was sad to see Midget Mac go.
I guess it was sort of a Max Murphy kind of day.
Max Murphy – Smith Grind
Max Murphy – Top Deck Train Drop w/ Alien Head. This lens does some weird things to humanity sometimes.
They were stoked on the naughty, trespassing fun times.
Mike Roebke – Train Ollie
Max Murphy – Backside Ollie Stump
Max Murphy – Ollie to Wild Ride. That “Hatchet” wall was in the way of Max’s ride up. It was psyching him out, and he only tried, and made it, one time. So this photo was my only go at getting the photo.
I’ve been kind of into posting a YouTube part at the end of my posts lately, so I’ll stick with it. Give you a chance to waste a few minutes everyday or something.
This is one of my favorites. Dude is so sketchy (in an awesome way) and is a huge troll as a human being. It doesn’t get much better than this.
Lennie Kirk, Alien Workshop – Time Code. If you don’t think this is one of the best things ever, you officially have manure for brains.