Pine Cone = Honey Comb Hideout.
Sorry for the late update. Internet was janky all day.
That’s right kiddies, we’re back. I think this winter we will make big plans and set our goals for the upcoming spring.
I skated last night as you may have read in Josh’s last post. It was fun and frustrating all at the same time. I think I landed a couple of tricks though. Yeah. I did for sure. Pretty sweet for a old turd like myself. Alot of people were there and this one kid Danny was killing it. So was Chase and Rock of course. The park looks like it should be done soon. Kudos to those who design and build. You guys are doing a super good job. Can’t wait for the first official sesh.
Tonight was the skateboard related art show at Firecracker in Madison. It was pretty rad and I got to see a bunch of people I haven’t seen in a long time. If any of you are reading this, it was good to see you all. Josh’s stuff looked good on the wall. There was free beer. I planned on stealing some art off the wall. There were dogs there. Not many girls unfortunately. Lord Cru was there. He looked good.
Josh and I will be showing stuff at the Riverhorse in Feburary. We’re art fags.
Later nerds.