Sheck-Ball Horny-Nut

As Tim had posted earlier with his Iphone pictures, we took a mini trip to Louisville a couple of weeks ago.

Here’s day one:

Is seeing a Picasso Buick before you leave on a journey considered good luck or bad luck?

I know for sure a pimped out Pacer is in the good luck column.

This thing again.

We took an excursion to lovely Gary, Indiana home of the highest murder rate per capita in the USA. I believe this is an auditorium where Jackson Five did some of their early shows. Now abandoned and left to rot, just like everything else in the city.

Good to see that there are still job openings in the market though.

Tj – 5-0 grind @ abandoned gas station in Gary.

Pizzy – Crooked grind @ abandoned gas station in Gary.

Thankfully it was still well stocked with Honey Buns.

Backseat buddies.

A few years ago Bill, Tim, Rock and I took the same trip down south where we stopped at a gas station in Indianapolis that sold an infamous “Two Piece White Snack”. We again partook in this glorious service station fried treat. No one regretted it very much.

Second annual Indianapolis skatepark parking lot group photo. L to R: Mike, Rogers, Big Will, Pizzy, Sam, Jevon, Josh, Jack, Max, Tj, Tim.

A well traveled canine.

An example of one-gas-station-nothing-else-Indiana-freeway-exit-street-art.

We were almost there. Everyone felt great.

The roach free CL room.

The roach infested Budweiser room.

We skated, then we took a walk out over the Ohio river.

The city.

Bun boy.

More soon.