Surfing in January?

Last Friday as I was driving south on Lincoln Memorial past Bradford Beach, I saw two guys bobbing around out in Lake Michigan… SURFING.

I got one action shot before they both paddled in.

I was surprised to find that both of these cats were OLD.

The whole concept seemed super crazy to me. Surfing out in the cold. But it turns out that bunches of people are doing it… maybe bunches is a bit of an overstatement. But enough for a set specific group of people. The

Great Lake Surfing Association seems to be the best place for information. Including links to help forecast waves . Which seems really odd to me cause there isn’t the same kind of current and tide that the ocean has. This site seems to be pretty good as well, but you have to be a member to use it. This site gives a pretty good backgound of surfing in the great lakes and included the following map….

I’m pretty stoked on this to say the least. Not cause I really like surfing… I just didn’t know that there was surf culture DURING winter in Wisconsin! Turns out Sheboygan looks to be about the best place around to go as long as the water is breaking. Go get your boards! Surfs UP!

In other non related skate news… I saw an article on a while back. But never new you could make your own and be for real. No more waiting for that coveted Elvis stamp.

I think Tim should make a whole series for Gary!