Wonked if you do.

I’m not even sure if it’s winter anymore. I think it was 50 out the other day. Obviously I say this now and it will probably snow tomorrow. Such is life.

I do have some photos from skating this weekend, and some older old dude night stuff that I haven’t had time to get ready for the site yet. Hopefully I will have a minute sometime this week, but things are getting pretty busy. (Beez 3: coming soon.)

Speaking of Old Dude Night (the real one), it’s tonight at Cream City. Older than 25 years old gets you 25% off at the door.

I want to do a year in review type of deal like the Munz did over at the Plat, but again, time, it’s not on my side right now.

Eric Risser sent over another batch of photos. Here’s a couple to make you excited in the pants:

This spot is hard to skate. There’s not exactly too much time to get ready to hit the rather steep bank after you ollie up the curb. Frontside noseblunt by TJ Bohach pictured above.

A great photo of a horrible spot. At least I think it’s horrible, I guess a lot of people like it. Anyway, here’s Tj with another noseblunt. January 3rd, noseblunt day, pencil it in on your calanders.